1. General
1.1. The public internet access points (APs from here on) in Tapa municipality are located at:
1.1.1. Tapa Internet and Information Access Point, side wing of Tapa Public Library at Kooli street 6, Tapa (open hours Tue-Fri 10–18, Sat 10–15, except national holidays);
1.1.2. Lehtse Public Library at Rägavere tee 19, 73601 Lehtse, Tapa municipality (open at the same time as library);
1.1.3. Saksi Public Library at Moe 1, 45005 Moe, Tapa municipality (open at the same time as library);
1.1.4. Jäneda Public Library at Jäneda castle, 73602 Jäneda, Tapa municipality (open at the same time as library).
1.2. AP offers the use of internet connected computer free of charge for a limited time (2 hours a day). The main purpose of the computers is to allow access to publicly available e‑services (eEstonia, @-banks, e‑mail) and educational materials.
1.3. APs can be used by anyone who is at least 12 years old and:
1.3.1. has enough experience;
1.3.2. is not in dept (either monetarily or with overdue books) to any of the public libraries in Tapa;
1.3.3. is not banned from using the AP.
1.4. The use of public internet access computers is free of charge for up to 2 hours a day. Every next hour (or half hour) has to be paid for. The fee is set by the Municipal Government of Tapa (check the pricelist).
1.5. In case of great demand the AP administrator may enforce additional time restrictions on computer use.
1.6. The AP user must present valid ID upon registration.
1.7. If the user doesn’t comply with point 1.6. of the regulations then the AP administrator may deny access to the public computer(s).
1.8. Before using the public computer(s) the user must read and accept the internal regulations of the AP (this document).
1.9. Only one user per computer at a time.
1.10. The user is obliged to use the public computer and services in good will.
1.11. It is forbidden to enter the AP on roller skates, skateboard, bike or other such equipment and it’s also forbidden to bring animals, guns, ammo, explosives, flammables and very dirty or bad smelling objects into the AP.
1.12. It’s forbidden to enter the AP under the influence of alcohol or narcotics.
1.13. The AP or the library is not responsible for the patron’s personal things.
1.14. The AP user is obliged to follow the instructions of the AP administrator or library employee.
1.15. There is video surveillance in Tapa AP.
2. Services
2.1. Printing from the public computer only takes place via the AP/library employee and there is a fee for it (check the price list).
2.2. All the services mentioned in the price list are available.
3. Registration
To use a public computer the user must register his name at the AP or by phone:
3.1.1. Tapa Internet and Information Access Point — 32 32 088;
3.1.2. Jäneda Library — 38 98 330;
3.1.3. Lehtse Library — 38 333 88;
3.1.4. Saksi Library — 32 39 315.
3.2. Pre-registration is available during the AP’s open hours. The time can be registered for 2 hours a day and up to 1 week in advance.
3.3. If the pre-registered user is late for more than 10 minutes the registration is cancelled and the user can use a computer using the regular queue.
4. Forbidden activities
4.1. Disturbing other users;
4.2. Eating or drinking on site;
4.3. Smoking in the AP or in the vicinity of;
4.4. Using mobile phones (loud speech or ringtones are disturbing);
4.5. While using a computer it’s not allowed:
4.5.1. using the devices or software not according to purpose;
4.5.2. to make any changes in computer configuration;
4.5.3. to install additional software;
4.5.4. to play computer games;
4.5.5. to view indecent materials or sites;
4.5.6. to reboot or shut down the computer without permission from the AP employee. Although the user should close all programs started by him/her and delete all created/saved files. The AP / Tapa Public Library is not responsible for any personal data left in the files the user has created.
5. Violating the regulations
5.1. If the AP user does not abide by the regulations, he or she loses the privilege of using the AP’s services and computers for 2 weeks (depending upon violation the period may be up to 6 months). On repeated violations the user privileges are revoked indefinitely.
5.2. Material damage, caused by the user to the AP, must be compensated by the user.
6. Additional clauses
6.1. Tapa Public Library is not responsible for any copyright infringement done by AP users. The AP user is fully responsible for his/her own actions on the web or on the computer.
6.2. Any problems encountered using the public computers should be forwarded to the AP employee. The AP employee is there also for assistance, if needed (the AP user must have essential computer skills).
This is an unofficial translation of the original regulations in Estonian.